Greetings on this Friday of the Second Week of Lent. Indeed, what a Lent it is shaping up to be. Just a quick update concerning the Coronavirus:
1. Archbishop Rodi issued a statement today acknowledging that Alabama has reported the first case of the virus. Therefore, with many people concerned about their own health in attending the celebration of Mass the faithful, if you have concern for your own health or that of your loved ones, are granted dispensation from the obligation of attending Sunday Mass.
2. Obviously, we will continue to celebrate Mass here at St. Michael on Saturday at 5PM, and Sunday at 7:45 AM, 10:30 AM and 5PM.
8PM Mass is CANCELED for the immediate future, due to Auburn University closing campus.
3. Diligence is being taken to ensure healthy conditions on our campus and our Extraordinary Eucharistic Ministers have been instructed to wash their hands during the Lamb of God and following the distribution of Holy Communion.
4. At the Sign of Peace,
PLEASE DO NOT INITIATE THE PHYSICAL SIGN OF PEACE. (shaking hands, hugging, etc.) rather a gesture that does not involve physical contact.
5. The Preschool/Kindergarten will extend Spring Break until March 22.
6. Religious Education and CYO are canceled this week and future meetings will be re-evaluated.
7. The local hospital and nursing homes have advised us that pastoral visits will not be allowed. Clergy will be allowed in the hospital to administer sacraments including Last Rites if a patient/resident requests a priest. Therefore, if you have a loved one in the hospital, that we may not be aware and has a serious health issue please notify Fr. Farmer at
[email protected]. Please continue to notify the parish in the event a loved one is in need of Last Rites.
8. The Nursery is closed until further notice.
9. Please frequent our website for updated information and schedule changes as this is a fluid situation
10. Finally, with all of the above stated we are people who believe that our God, His Son and the Holy Spirit encounters every situation of our lives and offers redemption and hope. Please do not let allow fear and anxiety to overcome you. This should be a time for greater prayer for you and your family. Please find opportunities to laugh, joke and enjoy life.
Let us keep the sick and healthcare providers in our prayers during this trying time.